
Pricing for Data Appending & Database Profiling

The Quick Append Portal provides data appending and database profiling on a straightforward pay-per-use basis. There are no subscription or set-up fees to use the portal. You only pay for what you use.

When you use the portal, you will be presented with information on the quality of your job and the exact cost, before you commit to paying. Prior to this you can cancel your job at no cost.


Cost Per Record (+gst)


Cost Per Report (+gst)

Sociodemographic Segments:
geoTribes Segments
geoTribes Dimensions
geoSmart Segments
Includes all three
Includes all three
Consumer Data Packs:
Consumer Demographics $0.30 $600
Household Economics $0.30 $600
Personal Values $0.40 $800
Motivational Mindsets $0.50 $1,000
Media Consumption $0.40 $800
Lifestyle Interests $0.20 $400
LOHAS Behaviours $0.20 $400
Buying Behaviours $0.20 $400
Sporting Interests $0.20 $400
Community Support Needs $0.40 $800
Personal Profiles $0.20 $400

Case A: Data Appending

Append a marker research survey of n=3,500 with Sociodemographic Segments (geoTribes Segments, Dimensions, and geoSmart Segments) only.

  • Sociodemographic Segments for 3,500 records = $0.50 x 3,500 = $1,750

Total Cost: $1,750+GST

Case B: Data Appending

Append a sampled customer file of n=1,600 records with Sociodemographic Segments, Motivational Mindsets and Media Consumption Data Packs.

  • There is a minimum charge equivalent to 2,000 records, and this applies to all content selected
  • Sociodemographic Segments for 1,600 records = $0.50 x 2,000 = $1,000
  • Motivational Mindsets Data Packs for 1,600 records = $0.50 x 2,000 = $1,000
  • Media Consumption Data Pack for 1,600 records = $0.40 x 2,000 = $800

Total Cost: $2,800+GST

Case C: Database Profiling

Profile a database of 14,000 customers with Sociodemographic Segments, Personal Values and Media Consumption Data Packs.

  • Sociodemographic Segments = $1,000
  • Personal Values Data Pack = $800
  • Media Consumption Data Pack = $800

Total Cost: $2,600+GST

The exact cost for each job will be a function of the configuration chosen within the Quick Append Portal.